Friday, May 22, 2009


My mom called me today and asked me to go to lunch at with her and some work colleges. When I got there she was sitting with two men chatting. We all starting talking and it just so happens that these men have sons who are in bands. One is in Nashville and the other is in FL. I start talking to them about the bands b/c I love music - they both start laughing and say that both their sons bands are signed with Universal. What? Who are your sons? What bands are they in?
Dad 1: My son is the lead singer in a band called Anberlin
me: No way, get out of here.
Dad 1: Yeah, you've heard of them?
me: I have their albums and I've seen them in concert! I really like them
Dad 1: They just went on tour with some band called Nine Inch Nails...

The guy in the front is Steven Christian - Dad 1's son.

Then I talked to Dad 2 and his son is the drummer in a band called Paper Route. Dad 2 left for a few minutes then came back with his sons album and handed it to me. He had an extra one in the truck and he wanted me to have it. I've been listening to them this afternoon and I'm really digging their stuff.

1 comment:

  1. come to nashville with me. i'll introduce you to them. they're nice young menn
